Children enrolled in Vivvi learn through themes inspired by the questions they ask every day.
Inquiry Based Model
Our faculty facilitates each child’s success by observing their interests and organizing projects and curriculum inspired by those interests that are simultaneously aligned to learning standards across multiple metacognitive, academic, and physical skill sets.

By observing and reflecting on children's interests, our faculty designs units of study aligned to developmentally appropriate learning standards.
Children's Play
Classroom Specific Curriculum (Webs)
Teacher's Observations
Learning Domains + Developmental Milestones
Our Learning Domains
Scientific Inquiry
Experience the world with their 5 senses to build the foundation of scientific reasoning
Fine Motor Development
Make grasping motions
Grasp their caregivers fingers during feeding
Explore their fingers with their mouth
Gross Motor Development
Lift their head
Develop controlled arm, leg, and hand movements
Social & Emotional Development
Make eye contact and track with their eyes
Recognize voices of familiar people
Smile at own reflection
Identity & Belonging
Become aware of self
Babble a range of sounds
Imitating home language
Gain experience with literature through listening to stories and touching books
Expressive Language
Expand their verbal expressions by practicing self talk
Receptive Language
Turn their head at voices they hear
Sustain eye contact
Mathematical Learning
Explore geometric shaped materials
Experience numbers through counting songs like "5 Little Ducks"
Scientific Inquiry
Experience the world with their 5 senses to build the foundation of scientific reasoning
Fine Motor Development
Make grasping motions
Grasp their caregivers fingers during feeding
Explore their fingers with their mouth
Gross Motor Development
Lift their head
Develop controlled arm, leg, and hand movements
Social & Emotional Development
Make eye contact and track with their eyes
Recognize voices of familiar people
Smile at own reflection
Identity & Belonging
Become aware of self
Babble a range of sounds
Imitating home language
Gain experience with literature through listening to stories and touching books
Expressive Language
Expand their verbal expressions by practicing self talk
Receptive Language
Turn their head at voices they hear
Sustain eye contact
Mathematical Learning
Explore geometric shaped materials
Experience numbers through counting songs like "5 Little Ducks"
Scientific Inquiry
Experience the world with their 5 senses to build the foundation of scientific reasoning
Fine Motor Development
Make grasping motions
Grasp their caregivers fingers during feeding
Explore their fingers with their mouth
Gross Motor Development
Lift their head
Develop controlled arm, leg, and hand movements
Scientific Inquiry
Understand the difference between living and non living things
Fine Motor Development
Use thumb and index finger
Use their index finger to point
Use their hands to wave
Begin to turn pages of a book
Feed themselves
Gross Motor Development
Stand upright
Social & Emotional Development
Enjoy group play and begin an understanding for working together
Express their feelings and preferences appropriately
Identity & Belonging
Engage with toys and play activities based on interests (not gender stereotypes)
Become aware of what makes them unique
Notice and respond positively to other people across a range of physical differences (age, gender, hair, skin color, etc.)
Show interest in their favorite books
Paint with their fingers and appropriate tools
Expressive Language
Use familiar words and gestures
Express their thoughts with words and appropriate actions like "up"
Repeat words
Receptive Language
Begin to follow directions
Respond to cues like "Bring me a book to read"
Mathematical Learning
Begin to sort and categorize
Understand the concept of none
Scientific Inquiry
Understand the difference between living and non living things
Fine Motor Development
Use thumb and index finger
Use their index finger to point
Use their hands to wave
Begin to turn pages of a book
Feed themselves
Gross Motor Development
Stand upright
Social & Emotional Development
Enjoy group play and begin an understanding for working together
Express their feelings and preferences appropriately
Identity & Belonging
Engage with toys and play activities based on interests (not gender stereotypes)
Become aware of what makes them unique
Notice and respond positively to other people across a range of physical differences (age, gender, hair, skin color, etc.)
Show interest in their favorite books
Paint with their fingers and appropriate tools
Expressive Language
Use familiar words and gestures
Express their thoughts with words and appropriate actions like "up"
Repeat words
Receptive Language
Begin to follow directions
Respond to cues like "Bring me a book to read"
Mathematical Learning
Begin to sort and categorize
Understand the concept of none
Scientific Inquiry
Understand the difference between living and non living things
Fine Motor Development
Use thumb and index finger
Use their index finger to point
Use their hands to wave
Begin to turn pages of a book
Feed themselves
Gross Motor Development
Stand upright
Scientific Inquiry
Identify colors
Identify body parts
Differentiate between different living organisms
Fine Motor Development
Develop their grasp
Begin to use writing tools appropriately
Explore scissor work
Understand how glue is used
Gross Motor Development
Catch and roll balls
Jump with two feet
Clap their hands to music
Walk with heel toe step
Walk up and down stairs with help
Slide down a slide
Social & Emotional Development
Start potty training
Drink from a cup
Develop conflict resolution strategies
Interact cooperatively
Follow directions
Identity & Belonging
Become aware of their own gender and gender of others
Understand the concept of age and share how old they are
Express curiosity about what makes them the same and different from others
Start to recognize their name in print
Start to recognize the direction of print
Start to understand books as a resource for information
Follow familiar story plot lines
Expressive Language
Speak with expression
Modulate their voice
Use simple sentences
Make eye contact when conversing
Receptive Language
Respond to directed group discussions
Follow group game rules
Follow daily routines
Follow one step directions and read-aloud stories
Mathematical Learning
Distinguish numerals from letters
Identify object’s shape, size, and color
Start to classify
Complete 6 to 8 piece puzzles
Scientific Inquiry
Identify colors
Identify body parts
Differentiate between different living organisms
Fine Motor Development
Develop their grasp
Begin to use writing tools appropriately
Explore scissor work
Understand how glue is used
Gross Motor Development
Catch and roll balls
Jump with two feet
Clap their hands to music
Walk with heel toe step
Walk up and down stairs with help
Slide down a slide
Social & Emotional Development
Start potty training
Drink from a cup
Develop conflict resolution strategies
Interact cooperatively
Follow directions
Identity & Belonging
Become aware of their own gender and gender of others
Understand the concept of age and share how old they are
Express curiosity about what makes them the same and different from others
Start to recognize their name in print
Start to recognize the direction of print
Start to understand books as a resource for information
Follow familiar story plot lines
Expressive Language
Speak with expression
Modulate their voice
Use simple sentences
Make eye contact when conversing
Receptive Language
Respond to directed group discussions
Follow group game rules
Follow daily routines
Follow one step directions and read-aloud stories
Mathematical Learning
Distinguish numerals from letters
Identify object’s shape, size, and color
Start to classify
Complete 6 to 8 piece puzzles
Scientific Inquiry
Identify colors
Identify body parts
Differentiate between different living organisms
Fine Motor Development
Develop their grasp
Begin to use writing tools appropriately
Explore scissor work
Understand how glue is used
Gross Motor Development
Catch and roll balls
Jump with two feet
Clap their hands to music
Walk with heel toe step
Walk up and down stairs with help
Slide down a slide